To connect,
Yet between that which is gone
And that which arrives,
Lies fear.
What torments you, old soul?
Premonitions of the past
Or reminiscence of the future?
For what was, isn't what is.
Yet what could be,
still, could be.
Comfort is strange
Derived from the cloaks of shadows known,
A cold embrace means more
Than a warmly tender smile.
Yet shadows, don't exist in this realm
Except for as prisoners
To our chained mind.
Bridges built by fear,
Don't allow passage.
For weak, they sway at the slightest wind,
Fragile, they crumble at a run
And below lies bottomless abyss
And death in fear,
Births fear.
Aaah, a Greek tragedy.
This fear today,
Sparks the hope that was deemed dead.
And hope chooses to fly.
Hope chooses to take flight,
Develop wings or die trying;
But then, death seldom visits those,
That don't carry the stench of unresolved pain.
Without the bridge,
There's only the tightrope of courage.
As above so below
As within, so without,
The secret of alchemy and magic
Lies in the belief of the first step.

Belief in the 1st step which matters.