I wish -
As soon as things touched my hand,
after the sweet pall of desire
drenched me for days -
they wouldn't explode into insignificant dust.
I don’t know how to enjoy life,
when nothing I buy
or steal
can stay with me
in feelings of satiety,
I'm overwrought.
I hoped that these desires
would absolve me
of that emptiness
that leers time and again
out of my own soul -
into the mirrors that people hide,
along doorways and patios -
always slightly open.
Unnerving glares.
I'm caterwauling.
Is it water that I hold
as the contentment
that can’t even reach my shores
without dragging away bits of me,
piece by piece,
till I am once again
smooth and empty,
gazing into skies
that only seem to add color
to this thieving water?
Bluish nothingness.
Nothing lasts.
In my hands.
Or rather
the minute it touches my hands,
its transformed into
something of nostalgic ease.
Almost vulgar,
in its tradable non-exclusivity.
Is it my coarse hands
that turn things to dust?
Or my mischievous mind
that plays tricks on me,
constantly screeching for more?
Only to reject it for more.
And then reject that
For more.
There's no most.
There's no end to these things.
I do not know
how my heart will ever be satiated
and my open hands,
Even desire doesn’t consume me in full.
Always regurgitating some.
Keeping half of me at the edge
of its moist lips,
Half within.
Neither half knows
where it stands,
and the whole doesn’t recognize itself anymore.
It is more that I chase,
with bile rising in my mouth.
I'm foaming
with the poison
I need to spit to pay for
It's more that I covet.
Maybe just a little more,
I'm desperate now.
Anything that fills this hollow.
Are there any takers?
Any givers?
Any one that insures for, guarantees or assists in
an escape from this fever?
I can pay,
I still have my soul.

Picture Credit: Pieter Bruegel The Elder
Of the Seven deadly sins that have been popular amid both philosophers and artists across centuries now, a rather uncertain one is greed. General discussions about the origin of greed peg it to the classic tug of war of survival between the individual and the collective. There's a branch of philosophy that believes that not only is greed good, but is also essential for self-preservation. As Thrasymachus (Plato's Republic #1) argues - "justice requires us to sacrifice our own good for the sake of others, while injustice allows us to pursue our own good at the expense of others. If greed promotes one’s self-interest, how could it be irrational?" A thinker, that logic. Yet very refutable, as Socrates proves through the rather winding "greedy craftsperson" argument.
As always, psychology interjects an interesting perspective: Greed is believed to be akin to addiction - it exists possibly due to deep-rooted mental health issues. For people insecure in their own selves, having enough or more than enough is a means of overcompensating for what they are insecure about. Not just that, people with disproportionately high wealth/power exhibit higher levels of narcissism, entitlement and lack of empathy. However, contrary to logic and popular opinion, greed is reinforced in our society as a positive achievement (for the individual) - probably the reason why we recall the World's top ten most influential people, top ten most wealthy people, top ten businesses, top economies, and probably not even five of the Nobel peace prize winners. There's a vast expanse of literature on greed to cater to each individual reader's perspective, and the prose above is my humble addition to it.
This prose is about an everyday person and their everyday struggles with everyday greed. What's your relationship with desire and greed? If you were to seek an escape from greed would that be absolution or immersion or..? That's a thinker apt for this day, and as always, I'd love to hear from you.
Happy Sunday!
Amazing Read, as usual! :) On the opposite spectrum of greed/desire is the Buddhism - advocating to conquer your desires by stop desiring! :)